Monday, 18 May 2009
What do cows hunt?
Last weekend, the Boy Wonder and I toddled down to Brighton to visit our friends, and, save for a slight delay while we dealt with the antics in Naughty Pets Corner, we made it down without any difficulty. We arrived at about 2.30, had begun drinking by 3 and were down on the pier feeding 2p pieces into those moving shelf machines trying to win more 2ps and the occasional packet of sweets. We then moved on to more advanced machines which pay out in tickets, and having won over 400 tickets (largely due to impressive precision on the part of the two doctors on the team) we chose to redeem them for a 'Time Projecting' Batman watch which, as one might imagine, projects the time and the Batman logo onto a wall not more than 1.5 meters away, and only in complete darkness.
We returned home to a lovely meal (which was very grown up - roast duck, fancy veg and everything!) and post prandial entertainment in the form of 'parlour games' (as described by our gracious host). On the grounds that neither the Boy Wonder nor I can draw to save our lives, we opted for 'Articulate' over 'Pictionary', which was a good choice as it offered plenty of opportunity for fun describing words and concepts to each other.
Widely regarded as the favourites (and both from the slightly inebriated mouth of our surgeon host) were:
'Cows have them'
'No, they wear them'
'No - something cows hunt'
(The answer turned out to be 'Sheepskin')
and, possibly even less helpful:
'Hit me with your...'
'Rhythm Stick?'
'No.' (ongoing silence until we look at the card to find that he was trying to describe 'A Plank of Wood'.
We were also asked if we wanted to 'quiche' out, a term which we assume is derived from the original verb 'to crash out' but was admirably styled out by our drunken host who explained at some length that he was referring to a state of existence similar to that of a quiche, before trying to encourage us to go out clubbing at 2am before falling asleep in all his clothes. Fortunately his wife is well used to these antics and didn't hold it against us that we did encourage him more than was strictly necessary...