Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Trash Talkers

I have recently become aware of people who say really stupid things, such as this: '[if you're}...good to me and help me out then I will return the favour 10 times over. You try to be nasty with me, you have just reincarnated the devil and you are going to see hell.' I'm not sure whether they really think that others will be terrified that bad things will actually happen to them at the hands of these weirdos, but from what I can gather this person's idea of showing someone hell is a very strongly worded letter with a threat of court action. To my mind, this is entirely appropriate considering the circumstances, but I don't know why there was a need to be quite so superlative about the personality traits that lead them to this course of action. Why is being so bipolar about it something you want to shout about? I would never consider it worth publicly announcing that when faced with a problem, I try to take a path which is relatively easy and weigh up whether the likely benefits will warrant the effort and energy spent. I can't begin to imagine how annoying it would be to live with some asshat who's constantly trying to project an image of some kind of Terminator character who uses the power of objective judgement to mete out unrelenting justice to anyone who stands in their way. Maybe I should just stop trying to help idiots on message boards - it's a little like a festering spot that I just can't help picking even though I know that it's only going to get worse and that nobody wants to look at it but for some reason I am drawn to them with an inexorable and depressing fascination.