Thursday, 8 October 2009

A tragic event

On Monday, as part of our plan to sort out the house this year, the Boy Wonder spent a valiant few hours, no small amount of money, and a goodly level of energy making the inside of our oven sparkle like a brand new 70s brown oven. On Monday evening, I marvelled at the clean wonderland which is now in our kitchen, enjoyed the delight of being able to see through the door, and was confident that the slightly tricky hinge would be fixed by the next evening. On Tuesday however, we had a sudden resurgence of 'fixing it by breaking it' on the Boy Wonder's part (although not at all his fault) which lead to the spanking clean oven being rendered unusable without spending £78 on new hinges or using only the grill section. My immediate response was to buy another oven, followed very shortly by the desire to somehow preserve all the work the Boy Wonder had done and contemplate the option of 'making good' the already ancient oven in favour of spending slightly more on a new oven which would nevertheless be guaranteed to work for a reasonable period afterwards. So, reluctantly, I tried as gently as I could to encourage the Boy Wonder not to feel too bad about the situation and in fairness, he was already thinking along the same lines, but was having trouble reconciling the practical facts with his desire to at least have one chance to enjoy the clean oveny goodness of the existing model. One upside is that, having been living with a substantially old and knackered oven, the process of choosing a new one is made all the more exciting by the impressive array of features which now come as standard. I was half way through an excited moment with the Boy Wonder whereby we rejoiced at the fact that our new oven will have a light inside it, before I realised that EVERY bloody oven has a light in it! Even the clapped out old oven that my Dad had when I was a kid that had to be lit perilously with a match had a fricking light in it! Nonetheless, the level of excitement we have managed to muster about an oven which is four times more efficient, has glass through which it is actually possible to see and a light inside for aiding the view through the clean glass is almost unbelievable! Roll on 'sometime next week' - the peculiarly vague delivery date we've been given by a company with a broken database who seem unwilling to admit that fact, preferring instead to let themselves appear wantonly incompetant instead. Edited to add: Not only did the new oven arrive on Friday morning, meaning we were without an oven for only three nights in total, but on taking the old, spiteful oven with the malevolent hinges to the tip (sorry, household waste recycling centre) the Boy Wonder and Uptown PJ found a Farfisa Organ in a skip which made the collective days of the whole band. Thus the balance of karma has been restored and we still have a new oven which is delightfully lit, enchantingly clean and thus far smells a little bit like chemicals and old fish. It also lead to a sharp increase in my ability to look interested in websites about Farfisa Organs which is an underrated skill in today's modern world.