Monday, 15 February 2010
Everybody loves toast
One of the topics that elicits most conversation in our house is the Boy Wonder's toast stand. I think it was around the time that he was made redundant that the Boy Wonder started coming up with ideas for new businesses he could start, which included such well-formed ideas as 'Let's have a shop full of cool stuff' and 'We should open a record shop where we only sell funky records' (which is pretty much the same as the 'cool stuff' idea, only a little more targetted).
However, the idea that will not die is the toast stand. The concept is pretty simple - a toast stand at the station where you can buy hot, buttered toast to eat either while you wait for your train, or indeed on the train if your timing's right. The major flaw in the plan, as I see it, is that start-up would require the business owner to get up and be at the station by around 6 every morning for the beginning of rush hour and the commuter trains. There is nothing about the Boy Wonder, the last 10 years I have spend with him or his stated plans for the future which makes me think that he is capable of such early morning endeavour, and if by some miracle of circadian rythms he actually managed to get himself there in time, the resultant personality failure which occurs when he is low on caffeine is completely inappropriate for customer-facing purposes.
Having said that, we have discussed the potential for this venture with several people (the very nature of our conversations being cyclical at best, plus the Boy Wonder feels much maligned at my unerring disbelief in his capacity for early rising)and to date we have not had a single detractor. I put this down largely to great marketing - the slogan 'Everybody Loves Toast' seems to be almost universally accepted as both a snappy advertising message and a universal truth - and the enthusiasm that the Boy Wonder conveys when holding forth on this topic. Unfortunately, said enthusiasm is not limited to the setting-up of such an endeavour (in fact, it pretty much skirts ronud the edge of anything useful like that) and instead is allowed to roam freely amongst all toast related subjects, resulting in plans for the invention (requiring a not-inconsiderable R&D budget) of a bread pen which could be used to write marketing messages on toast and several 'specialist' breads and spreads which would require a fleet of bakers and specialist spread manufacturers to be on hand at all times to provide exotic alternatives to white sliced and jam.
I have been accused, mostly by the Boy Wonder, of being insuficiently excited by this project, which is probably true but is also probably down to the fact that it's not quite a pipe dream and therefore because it's vaguely within reach, I feel as though discussing the best design for the patent pending Boy Wonder Toast corners (for holding the toast so that it doesn't get your fingers greasy but also doesn't re-absorb its own sweat and go soggy) is probably best done once you actually have a business to use them. Also, I suspect it's because it's a pretty good idea which would have relatively low start-up and running costs and could actually become a profitable franchise, but it's neither the kind of thing we're cut out for nor the kind of thing we would actually want to do, so it's been relegated to the level of amusing after dinner conversation where I'm sure it will stay.