Wednesday, 14 April 2010

They do things differently here (3)

They don't have squash! Nothing approximating the magical syrupy goodness of squash, cordial or any of the soft drink mixers we know and love in the UK and Europe. They have powder - which is no use at all for curing hiccups - which quite honestly seems to be a weird substitute and doesn't really allow for the fun of making all those cocktails which require you to pour something over something slowly to make one layer sit on top of another.
The US also seems to have a slightly puritanical approach to juice - in the UK, we drink so much juice that we tend to buy the cheapest, long life cartons available to ensure that we don't bankrupt ourselves whilst loading up on vitamin C. Here in the US, the only place you can find juice is in the chiller - it's Tropicana, Sunny D or Minute Maid all the way and nothing in the way of bog standard cheapish juice to slake our morning thirst without forking out for the good stuff.