Monday, 21 June 2010

Glad I don't believe in interpreting dreams

A couple of nights ago I dreamt that I was tied up at the wrists by a girl I hardly know (a friend of a friend) and forced to sleep in a room filled with fibre glass despite telling her that I was not only afraid of it but also concerned for my health. I was really angry with her for reading a book I was writing in, and wanted to punch her.
The night before I dreamt that my engagement ring was falling apart and the stones were shattering so I couldn't even pick them up to have it repaired.
Last night I dreamt that the Boy Wonder and his friend were playing a monopoly game based on the world cup which I wasn't allowed to join in with. Instead of proper dice, they were using an apple with numbers drawn on it in a cup of water - you tried to roll the apple and when it came up with no number on top it was declared 'in the sea' and had to be rolled again. They were supposed to be headed off to a strip club afterwards, but none of them really wanted to go, and Eric was actually riding his bike around the village letting everyone know which televisions were working in all the pubs. He also had five TVs in his bedroom which was a bit weird, but I had to stay there while they all went off to the strip club so I had plenty to watch which was a bit of a relief.
Clearly these dreams are a sign of my slightly overstuffed brain, but for anyone who actually believed in interpreting dreams, I can imagine it would be pretty terrifying to guess what the hell it all meant.