Friday, 31 December 2010

New Year's Resolutions

As the Boy Wonder languishes through his second week of lurgy and we contemplate a quiet new year's eve together, naturally my thoughts have turned to what I hope to achieve in the next year. It's going to be pretty tricky to be honest, as we have had a totally awesome 2010 what with our extended sojourn in the States, the arrival of our niece and the implementation of our plans for self-employment, so it's going to be pretty hard to top. However, I have managed to scrape together a few ambitions to attempt over the next year, and in case I've forgotten what they were by the end of January I might as well record them for posterity:
1. Channel the slightly compulsive tendencies I have into something useful - rather than obsessing over whether the bottles in the cupboard are all facing forwards, I will try to spend that time achieving a basic level of cleanliness about the house. Living in a giant dust bunny, however beautifully aligned the condiments may be, suggests a substantial flaw in my ability to prioritise, which I intend to correct.
2. Make some inroads into our long term plans to try and live a dual life between here and New Orleans.
3. Write something which has the potential to be published i.e complete any writing project to my satisfaction.
4. Spend less time buggering about on the internet and more time getting gigs for the Boy Wonder.
5. Move the bloody fence to where it's supposed to be after all the stupid admin work that needed doing, paperwork, solicitors and faff the fence will be moved to its correct position!
I think that's about it - hopefully there's nothing on there which will prove insurmountable, but you never know, now that we have cider shelves a lot of things seem more challenging...