We are, theoretically at least, in the process of moving. In reality this means that we have half packed our stuff into boxes and then had to ring a solicitor at least once a day only to be told that we might get to move some 8 weeks after the original date we were given.
However, I am still excited about the move. Not only is the new house much bigger, so hopefully all our stuff will actually fit in it, unlike our current house. But one of the more secret reasons for my excitement is the fact that going to the loo should be a lot less stressful in the new house.
Our current house has one toilet, which is in the bathroom. This means that if one of us wants to use said toilet, have a bath or shower or rearrange our towel collection, then everybody else (really only the Boy Wonder and I as the small boy still just poos wherever he is and expects us to clean it up) has to wait until they are done before they can use the facilities. This means that occasionally a cry goes up the stairs beseeching the incumbent to hurry along, and when we have people to stay there can be up to five adults, usually hung over, all politely vying for time in the smallest room.
In our new house, however, we have a grand total of three toilets. I cannot wait for this. The pressure of maintaining adequate toilet roll stock in 200% more toilets will be more than made up for by the fact that we will not only enjoy the convenience of a downstairs loo (which will hopefully be worth its weight in gold when toilet training begins) but also a en-suite loo as well as one in the main bathroom. Let joy be unconfined, we will all be able to wee at once someday, and if that's not living the dream then I don't know what is.