Tuesday, 19 February 2008
New year's resolutions coming to fruition
Despite my (previously undocumented, for reasons which should be apparent) aversion to new year's resolutions, this year I have two - one was to begin my award winning blog (which has a built in resolution of winning some kind of award, but more of that later) and the other was to try to be better organised. Having managed to post Christmas presents to my Dad and little brother yesterday, I thought today would be a good time to start on the second. Now I've at least begun on both, I can ride this wave of achievement until next year, which is a strangely satisfying feeling.
My stance against new year's resolutions comes from a latent laziness, and a knowing feeling that I would only find myself recycling the same old crap every year. It's not hurt by the fact that my life is pretty damn good either! I am almost cringingly happy with my relationship, I don't need anything material, my job is about as good as I can expect working for someone else to be, and for the most part I am satisfied with my lot. That's not to say that there aren't things I would like to achieve, but they are subject to outside influences and hence are not really the kind of frippery I would feel comfortable in making the subject of a 'resolution'.
So, entry one on my "award-winning" blog, and all you know about me is that I am lazy and potentially insufferably content. To flesh out this picture, I can also reveal that I am also prone to irrational bouts of anger at adverts, dreams which make me question my sanity, and selfish feelings about how hard my life is because I want a kitten, but am allergic to furry animals. I also want to join the online community across the world - friends in far off places are a kind of life resolution of mine, and once which I have thus far failed to achieve. Hopefully I will manage to come up with something witty, urbane and ultimately addictive, leading me into a virtual world of other likeminded people who enjoy cool music written by old dead men, finding humour in otherwise inappropriately unfunny situations, and who might invite me to stay in some remote part of the world at some point so that they can meet me in person and allow me to bestow great gifts upon them for their kindness. Or anyone who can be bothered to read this basically, I'm not going to be too fussy this early on. Also, I wanted to comment on all the blogs I lurk on, so I want to bring something to the party other than an unquenchable lust for other people's details.
I feel sure that there must be more which I wanted to say, otherwise there would be no need for a blog, but for the time being, I think I have shared enough. Needless to say, I expect my contributions here to be sporadic, erratic and occasionally involve concerns about national security. Fingers crossed....