Tuesday, 12 April 2011

A (presumably) never ending series of notebooks

I always have a notebook in my bag, largely because the way my brain works seems to churn up thoughts that I feel should be memorialised at moments when I am otherwise ill-equipped to capture them, but also because otherwise I will write on whatever comes to hand (including, indeed, my hands) regardless of the appropriateness or otherwise of the medium.
Were I to only be struck by the urge to write down brilliant ideas, moving lines or intriguing questions that occur to me, these would probably be relatively interesting documents, but as it stands they often include shopping lists, reminders to look up song lyrics that I can't remember and notes to myself written when drunk. Such as:
Why do we use @? It's not that much shorter than the word 'at' to either read or write.
Godfrey from Dad's Army IS George from Rainbow
Ben and Jerry - hee hee