Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Learning at work

One of the beauties of my job, apart from the fact that almost nobody in the company actually understands what I do, is that I have managed to appropriate the tasks I want to do whilst avoiding those which don't really interest me, which is particularly pleasant at the moment as I am writing copy for a brochure about the UK's National Parks, which essentially means reading stuff about the parks themselves, and then regurgitating it in brochure appropriate tones and in bite-size chunks with snappily encouraging asides and the occasional witty (no puns - that's one step too far) remark. During the course of this I have learnt a fair amount about our national parks, not least that the features which make them different from one another are few and far betwen unless you want to go into the latin names of the species that can be found there. I learnt briefly about fishing while I was trying to work out whether angling was just fishing (it is - the angle is the hook) but had to stop when I saw pictures. I have learnt some stuff about cars (Enzo is a pretty cool name for someone who makes cars that people are so boring about), some stuff about dolphins and reindeer and plenty of less edifying things about where small airfields are around the country and the things women let strangers do to them in the name of beauty. All in all however, I just like to learn things, and despite the drawbacks of my job, I am glad I manage to make learning a part of it.