Wednesday, 11 March 2009

People I used to think were tits, but have had to re-think my opinion to a certain extent

I like to think that I am quite open-minded and willing to change my views on things given a compelling argument to do so. I also know that whilst I can hold a grudge on someone else's behalf (there are people who have upset the Boy Wonder who I have never even met, and lucky for them because I would smack them in the teeth if I did), I am possibly even a little too forgiving of people who have pissed me off on the grounds that I often can't remember what it was that they did, or I can't be bothered to maintain a frosty silence and want all the confrontation over with. So there exists a surprisingly long list of people who I had thought were idiots, who have made inroads into their idiot rating in my book, and although some of them will never really get out of the mire, I give them credit for jobs well done. The richest vein to plumb for people fitting this category are those who appeared in 'Extras', the Ricky Gervais series, and the most notable of those was Chris Martin purely for the line about having to get home as Gwyneth was making him fish fingers for his tea. One of the main reasons I had placed him firmly in the 'twat' category (apart from the obviously wrist-slitting dullness of his 'music') was the ongoing childlike refusal to talk about his relationship with a woman who is more famous than everyone in his band put together, and the fact that he broke this cock-ended rule so that he could be in 'Extras' for 30 seconds made me think he must have some secret sense of humour which I had previously believed to have withered from lack of use over the time since he started looming around as a professional misery. Also benefiting from their appearance on 'Extras' were Ross Kemp, who's affability in the face of being portrayed as a total dick-bag made him all the more likable, and Shaun Williams who I had never really given much thought to but becomes increasingly endearing as 'Barry from Eastenders' in the show. Never Mind the Buzzcocks is also responsible for quite a few radical changes in my opinion of people - Mark Ronson always comes across as such a stroker when he's talking about music, but was surprisingly funny and self-deprecating on Buzzcocks, making him almost as annoying for not being as annoying as I thought he was as he was for being annoying in the first place. There is one person who has managed to plumb such low depths of my esteem that his redempion really only took him up to the level of utter twatishness - James Blunt. There is a very good reason that he will always be rhyming slang in our house, but his apperance on Sesame Street singing 'My Triangle' to the tune of one of his whiny little ditties about how hard life is officially rescinded the requirement to spit whenever his name is uttered, upgrading him to qualify for derision and scorn rather than disgust and horror.