Monday, 28 September 2009
Moaning about speed cameras
I don't really understand how people can justify moaning about speed cameras - if you don't speed, you don't get fined. All these people who bang on about it being a stealth tax clearly don't understand the correct meaning of the word 'stealth' - there can be few people in the country who aren't aware of the purpose and consequences of speed cameras so I wouldn't have thought there was anything that stealthy about one of the most talked about systems in the country. And frankly I don't see why we shouldn't tax people who speed - if you are going to impose an arbitrary fine on people to swell underfunded coffers, I don't see why speeders shouldn't be targeted. I would be equally happy if there were a system which imposed fines on anyone breaking the law provided the basis is that people will be able to pay (no point trying to squeeze any money out of those who can't - as the banking system has discovered, fines for having no money don't really work) and people who drive cars fast have at least enough money for a car.
The only thing I think is slightly unfair is that people who have either enough time, or enough brass neck will dispute or ignore the fines, and seem by and large to get away with it - if your car isn't registered, you won't get fined so in some ways it penalises those who are honest. However, if you pick and choose which laws you follow then you have to be prepared to accept the consequences of the ones you chose to break.