To read the Wikipedia entry, you'd think that the 'seven distinct story elements' within the film would be noticeable, whereas the reality is that there are seven almost identical 'trials' that the protagonist has to endure, each of which he overcomes by using his apparently multi-purpose, wrist mounted laser-shooting computer. Even the author of the Wiki on this clearly gave up trying to paint the plot as anything other than fairly lame as no sooner have they alluded to the riddles they must figure out than they point out the surprising versatility of X-CaliBR8 in putting an end to each obstacle as it appears.
It's mental - I can't quite work out whether the poorness of the dialogue is due to the makers' belief that they had such whizz bang special effects, or whether it's just because the whole thing was made by a bunch of super geeks who realised that not having had a girlfriend between them made them uniquely unqualified to write anything believable for the couple to say to one another, but either way this film is actually bad enough to be funny, making it yet another bonus late night find on crazy American TV.