Saturday, 1 May 2010

Phantom toe-post syndrome

Having worn flip flops for between 7 and 12 hours a day for the last week or so, I have noticed a slightly disturbing phenomenon whenever we get home and I release my feet - I can still feel the toe-post in between my big and second toes. I'm not sure when I first noticed it, but once I had, I started to notice it more and more and now I'v started thinking about it I'm noticing it all the time. I'm not sure whether it's a recognised syndrome, but I'm definitely putting it on the list of things to ask a medical based scientist drunk enough that I feel comfortable asking them stupid questions like this and whether there's a physiological reason why the Boy Wonder's tongue gets brightly coloured when within sniffing distance of artificially coloured food or drink, yet mine stays resolutely tongue coloured despite the fact that I like it when my tongue goes an unnatural shade of pink.