Thursday, 27 May 2010

My imaginary friends

I have two imaginary friends - one, who is kind of a downer, questions everything I do, and the other, who is a little bit like a puppy, is relentless impressed with my every activity. For example at this moment, the first one is saying
'Are you sure it's a good idea to write about this? People might well think you're mentally ill and medicate me out of existence. And by the way, if you phrased it slightly differently, the punctuation wouldn't be so ambiguous.', while the second one is saying 'Nah - people will think you're delightfully kooky, and it's not like anyone reads this anyway. Not because it's not entertainingly witty of course, just because you're way too modest to tell people to read your blog, which is after all supposed to be an outlet for your thoughts and is only so great to read because your thoughts are naturally hilarious. I say go for it!'
I suppose it's a little like the cartoon angel and devil that pop up occasionally on the shoulders of characters on television, except there is way more moral ambiguity and neither of them seem to necessarily have my best interests (or those of anyone else) at heart.
For example, when we go out to jams here (NOLA), quite often the Boy Wonder will get up to play and not be let off the stage for an hour or more, and the first voice (Grumpog, I call her) always hopes that there won't be anyone we know there, or at least that they will be otherwise occupied and leave me alone. The other voice (Happog) is always looking around for someone to chat to, and encouraging me to strike up a conversation with anyone who catches my eye - I know it's fairly common to have an extrovert and and introvert side, but I'm not sure how common it is to name them, or for them to interfere generally in other aspects of your life.
Perhaps I just listen to them too much, although like me they are both way more likely to be wise after the event and just bang on about how they knew that would happen but I never listen in time. Perhaps they are my way of sharing the blame for some of my most socially awkward moments in an attempt to demonstrate that I'm not alone in my social ineptness, but either way I quite like having the company.